IP ASN History

In the D4 project, a major activity is network packet collection from black hole monitoring. But a major challenge in the analysis is the ability to find back the owner of an IP block in a specific time-frame. To support us (and the community), we developed a service and an open source software called IP ASN History to find the ASN announcing a IP network in a specific time range.
You can run yourself a IP ASN History server as the source includes the complete code to run your own.
We also provide an API to our IP ASN History server which can be reached via a ReST API.
As example, you can query a specific IP address in a specific time range:
curl "https://bgpranking-ng.circl.lu/ipasn_history/?ip="2019-01-01""
and IP ASN History will return a JSON with the following metadata:
"meta": {
"address_family": "v4",
"ip": "",
"source": "caida"
"response": {
"2019-01-01T12:00:00": {
"asn": "15169",
"prefix": ""
A more advanced API is available which can be easily used with IP ASN History Python client.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from ipasnhistory.query import Query
import requests
q = Query()
response = q.meta()
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
response = q.query('')
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
response = q.query('', first='2018-11-01', last='2018-11-25')
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
# --------- web
print('Meta info')
r = requests.get('')
print('Interval with first / last')
r = requests.get('')
print('Interval with first only')
query = {'ip': '', 'first': '2018-09-01'}
r = requests.post('', data=query)
print('One day only')
query = {'ip': '', 'first': '2018-11-05'}
r = requests.post('', data=query)
print('Cache only')
query = {'ip': '', 'first': '2018-11-05', 'cache_only': True}
r = requests.post('', data=query)
print('Precision delta')
query = {'ip': '', 'date': '2018-11-08', 'precision_delta': json.dumps({'days': 2})}
r = requests.post('', data=query)
query = {'ip': ''}
r = requests.post('', data=query)
The current ASN history used is the CAIDA dataset but the software will be extended to support additional BGP Format such as MRT or alike to include your own from openbgpd or from other RIRs such as RIPE.